O or O PLAY: code word for BDSM or slave play, originating from an erotic novel published in 1954 called Story of O, written by Anne Desclos under the pen name Pauline Reage, about a young woman's descent into submission and slave training. O-RING & D-RING: rings used in rigging or bondage. An O-ring is shaped like the letter “O,” and a D-ring is shaped like an uppercase letter “D.” OBJECTIFICATION: sexual arousal from being dehumanized or the act of dehumanizing another. Making someone nothing more than a sex object or nothing more than an object such as a sex toy. See related HUMILIATION. ODALISQUE: a term for a female slave in an Ottoman Imperial harem, who’s role was that of a chambermaid or an assistant. The term is sometimes used in BDSM slave play. OLD LEATHER or OLD GUARD: related to the gay male BDSM communities that began sometime shortly after World War II, characterized by a very structured hierarchy with elaborate codes of conduct and protocol. See contrast NEW LEATHER and see related LEATHER COMMUNITY. ONE COLUMN TIE or SINGLE COLUMN TIE: a bondage technique that binds one part of the body to an object. See related TWO COLUMN TIE and BONDAGE SAFETY TIE. ONE-EIGHTY (180) CONDITION: when a submissive falsely declares a recently ended BDSM relationship, usually a 24/7 TPE relationship, to have been either physically and/or mentally abusive when no actual abuse took place. See related BDSM ABUSE. ONE TO TEN or PAIN LEVEL SYSTEM: a description of a person's pain intensity, with ten being the highest level of pain. A way to describe the intensity of contact (negotiated before a play session) that a submissive is willing to accept. Also refers to the way a person is feeling during or directly after a session, used to describe any pain. Hospitals use a similar system as a way for patients to tell doctors how intense their pain is, with ten being the highest level of pain. ORAL SERVITUDE: a specific type of submission in which the submissive satisfies the dominant with oral sex but is not permitted to have any other sexual relations with the dominant. ORGASM CONTROL: the practice of controlling when someone can or cannot have an orgasm. ORGY: a sexual act or acts with multiple people. Sex with more than three people. A sex party. ORIENTATION PLAY: any consensual activity whereby a person is ordered to engage in sex with someone of the same sex. Usually, the concept of forcing a person who sees her/himself as straight to have gay sex for the purposes of BDSM humiliation play. OUSTING: the act of expelling a person from a BDSM event. Sometimes used erroneously to mean outing. See OUTING (OUTED). OUTING (OUTED): the act of disclosing a person's BDSM interest or their involvement with BDSM to someone outside of the BDSM world without the person's consent. To disclose a person's sexual behavior, sexual preference, or sexual identity without the person's consent. Outing a person is considered a major breach in BDSM etiquette and can be considered a form of BDSM abuse. See also related DOXING, ETIQUETTE OF BDSM, SCENE NAME and BDSM ABUSE. OVER THE KNEE or OTK: a style of spanking in which a dominant turns a submissive over his/her knee, in order to spank the buttocks of the submissive. One OTK technique is once the submissive is in position, is for the dominant to lock his/her leg over the legs of the submissive, which keeps the submissive from squirming during the spanking. . OVERSEER: another term for master. See MASTER. OVERSEER'S WHIP: see PUNISHMENT WHIP. OWNER: a title for someone who assumes the role of an owner of a person in master/slave play or a master/slave relationship. See MASTER. OWNED: a verb that describes a person that assumes the role of a slave in a master/slave relationship. See SLAVE. OWNERSHIP: referring to a master who owns a submissive as a slave, and/or sex slave, usually in the context of an ongoing 24/7 TPE relationship. ADVERTISEMENTS: ~ |