(the paraphilia will be listed in bold, followed by the erotic focus).

ABASIOPHILIA:  -  people with impaired mobility.

ACROTOMOPHILIA:  -  people with amputations.

ADIPOPHILIA:  -  overweight or obese people.

AGALMATOPHILIA:  -  statues, mannequins and people unable to move.

ALGOLAGNIA:  -  pain in erogenous zones.

ANDROMIMETOPHILIA:  -  transgendered people.

ANILILAGNIA:  -  attraction by younger men to older women.

APOTEMNOPHILIA:  -  having an amputation.

ASPHYXIOPHILIA:  -  asphyxiation or strangulation.  Alos related to erotic asphyxiation, receiving or giving asphyxia.

AUTAGONISTOPHILIA:  -  being on stage or on camera.

AUTASSASSINOPHILIA:  -  being in life threatening situations.

AUTOANDROPHILIA:  -  a biological female imagining herself as a male.

AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIATION:  -  self-induced asphyxiation.

AUTOGYNEPHILIA:  -  a biological male imagining himself as a female.

BIASTOPHILIA:  -  rape of an un-consenting person.

CHREMASTISTOPHILIA:  -  being robbed or held hostage.

CHRONOPHILIA:  -  partners of a widely differing chronological age.

COPROPHILIA:  -  feces.

DACRYPHILIA:  -  tears or crying.

DENDROPHILIA:  -  trees.

EMETOPHILIA:  -  vomit.


EXHIBITIONISM:  -  exposing oneself sexually to others.

FETISHISM:  -  non-living objects or specific non-genital body parts.

FORMICOPHILIA:  -  being crawled on by insects.

FORNIPHILIA:  -  turning a human into a piece of furniture.

FROTTEURISM:  -  rubbing against a non-consenting person.

GERONTOPHILIA:  -  elderly people.

GYNEMIMETOPHILIA:  -  transsexual or transgender women.

HEBEPHILIA:  -  early pubescent children.

HOMEOVESTISM:  -  wearing clothing emblematic of one's own sex.

HYBRISTOPHILIA:  -  criminals, particularly for cruel crimes.

INFANTOPHILIA:  -  children five years or younger.

KLEPTOPHILIA:  -  stealing.

KLISMAPHILIA:  -  enemas.

LACTOPHILIA:  -  breast milk.

LIQUIDOPHILIA:  -  immersing genitals in liquids.

MACROPHILIA:  -  giants, primarily domination by giant men or women.

MAMMAPHILIA:  -  breast.

MASOCHISM:  -  suffering, being beaten, bound or humiliated.

MECHANOPHILIA:  -  cars or machines.

MENOPHILIA:  -  menstruation.

MORPHOPHILIA:  -  particular body shapes or sizes.

MUCOPHILIA:  -  mucus.

MYSOPHILIA:  -  dirt, soiled, or decaying objects.

NARRATOPHILIA:  -  obscene words.

NASOPHILIA:  -  noses.

NAVEL FETISHISM:  -  navels.

NECROPHILIA:  -  corpses.

OLFACTOPHILIA:  -  smells.

PARAPHILIC INFANTILISM:  -  being treated like an infant.

PARTIALISM:  -  a specific body part, not genitalia.

PEDOPHILIA:  -  prepubescent children.

PEODEIKTOPHILIA:  -  exposing one's penis.

PEDOVESTISM:  -  dressing like a child.

PICTOPHILIA:  -  pornographic pictures or erotic art.

PIQUERISM:  -  stabbing or cutting another person with sharp objects.

PYGOPHILIA:  -  buttocks.

PYROPHILIA:  -  fire.

RAPTOPHILIA:  -  committing rape.

SACOFRICOSIS:  -  masturbating unobtrusively in public.

SADISM:  -  inflicting pain on others.

SALIROPHILIA:  -  soiling or dirtying others.

SEXUAL FETISHISM:  -  nonliving objects.

SOMNOPHILIA:  -  sleeping or unconscious people.

SPLANCHNOPHILIA:  -  entrails of a person or animal.

STHENOLAGNIA:  -  muscles and displays of strength.

STIGMATOPHILIA:  -  body piercings and tattoos.

SYMPHOROPHILIA:  -  witnessing or staging disasters.

TELEPHONE SCATOLOGIA:  -  obscene phone calls.

TERATOPHILIA:  -  deformed people.

TRANSVESTIC FETISHISM:  -  wearing clothes of the opposite sex.

TRANSVESTOPHILIA:  -  a transvestite sexual partner.


TROILISM:  -  watching one's partner have sex with another.

UROLAGNIA:  -  urination in public.

VAMPIRISM:  -  attraction to or involving blood.

VORAREPHILIA:  -  eating or being eaten by others.

VOYEURISM:  -  watching others while naked or having sexual intercourse.

ZOOPHILIA:  -  animals.

ZOOSADISM:  -  inflicting pain on animals, or seeing animals in pain.

